Do you have a new and innovative idea that would prevent child abuse and neglect?  Do you have a current program that if it had more support could have a greater impact?  Alaska Children’s Trust’s (ACT) Tier 2 Innovation Grants were created to stimulate the development and adoption of groundbreaking approaches and technologies to prevent child abuse and neglect.  Tier 2 grants fund projects above $10,000 up to a maximum of $50,000 per year.  Requests can be a single year or multi-year, up to three years.

Innovation is either introducing something new or infusing a current product/program with more resources to strengthen its reach and impact.  It is usually driven and supported through data.  It is compelled by an organization’s desire to understand and meet the ever-changing needs and challenges of the people they are serving while trying to prevent child abuse and neglect.  As a catalyst for change, ACT has introduced the Innovative Grants to stimulate new ways of preventing child abuse and neglect and strengthen the current methods that have proven successful.

To learn more about ACT and its grant process, you are encouraged to visit their website.

Helpful hints for applying online

Guidelines for ACT Tier 2 Grant

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