The Alaska Community Foundation is now accepting grant applications for the Social Justice Fund. This opportunity is open from January 13th, 2020, until 5:00 PM on Wednesday, February 20th, 2020.
The Alaska Community Foundation’s goals for the Social Justice Fund grants are to support strategic collaborations that prioritize leadership development and allow Alaskans to address the root causes of challenging social justice issues within their communities and across the state. We invite you to submit a proposal to meet this goal or encourage nonprofits that promote your vision for advancing social justice in Alaska to consider doing so.
Nonprofits, tribes, schools, faith-based organizations, local government agencies, programs, and grassroots organizations may apply for programmatic and sustainable general operating support.
Grant awards through this program will range from $5,000 to $15,000 and may be eligible for renewal for an additional year. ACF anticipates awarding 8 to 10 grants in early March 2020.
This is the fourth grant cycle for the Social Justice Fund, following its pilot grant cycle in Spring 2017. The fund was created in 2015 by John Rubini and Clare Bertucio. Who made a generous $1 million pledge to seed the fund and to support organizations leading progressive and social justice work in Alaska.
Those interested in applying are strongly encouraged to call ACF staff before submitting an online application.
ACF Contact:
For detailed guidelines on eligibility and how to apply, please review the guidelines and tutorials below: