The Alaska Community Foundation Announces Environmental Grant Awards

The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) is pleased to announce four grants totaling $50,468.50 from the Alaska Endowment for the Environment (AEFE) grant program, a program designed to support education, conservation, or protection of Alaska’s environment. ACF is excited to announce that two of our Affiliates, Greater Sitka Legacy Fund and Seward Community Foundation, have each awarded an AEFE grant to a nonprofit organization within their respective communities. ACF has also partnered with The Homer Foundation to award two AEFE grants to Homer area nonprofits.

We are very excited for the first grant recipients from the Alaska Endowment for the Environment to pursue their work. Whether they are expanding environmental education programs, providing communities with responsible recycling options, supporting families and the environment through outdoor wellness programs, or educating vast audiences about marine debris, we know that these grants will have positive effects on the environment and in the lives of Alaskans across the state.
– Katie St. John, Director of Programs and Grants, The Alaska Community Foundation

This is the first year ACF has distributed grants from the Alaska Endowment for the Environment. Applications for this competitive cycle were encouraged from Alaska nonprofits seeking support for the expansion or development of innovative programs, sustainable core mission support, and capital expenses related to the goals of the fund.

Grant recipients include:

Alaska SeaLife Center, Seward – $15,000 to support Marine Debris Reduction in Alaska through action and public engagement. Awarded in partnership with ACF Affiliate, Seward Community Foundation.
Sitka Sound Science Center, Sitka – $13,000 to Support Sitka Summer Science Programs. Awarded in partnership with ACF Affiliate, Greater Sitka Legacy Fund.
Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies, Homer – $10,000 to expand Youth & Families N.O.W. (Nature & Outdoor Wellness). Awarded in partnership with Homer Foundation.
Cook Inletkeeper, Homer – $12,469.50 to expand electronics recycling on the Kenai Peninsula. Awarded in partnership with Homer Foundation.


Established in 1995, The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) is a statewide platform for philanthropy that connects people who care with causes that matter. Managing more than $86 million in assets and over 433 funds for the benefit of Alaskans, ACF and the Affiliate Community Foundations grant $3 million to $5 million each year to charitable projects and nonprofit organizations across the state. ACF’s mission is to inspire the spirit of giving and connect people, organizations, and causes to strengthen Alaska’s communities now and forever. For more information, visit or call 907-334-6700.