Second Round Grantees Announced

The Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED) and the Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) have awarded $8.67 million to ninety-four nonprofits in the second and final round of ARPA Nonprofit Recovery Fund grants. This follows ninety-nine grant awards made in the first round of the program.
Alaska’s nonprofit sector continues to play an essential role in the state’s pandemic response and recovery by delivering programs and services that address the needs of their local communities. The ARPA Nonprofit Recovery Fund grant awards will enable the nonprofit sector to provide ongoing support and critical services to their communities and help mitigate the lingering health and economic impacts of COVID-19.
“It has been a delight to support the thoughtful work that nonprofits across the state have been doing to help our communities overcome the challenges over the past few years,” said DCCED Commissioner Julie Sande. “ACF has been such a valuable partner on this program.”
Grants were awarded to nonprofits across the state in the Aleutian Chain, Bristol Bay, Yukon–Kuskokwim Delta, Bering Straits, Arctic Slope, Interior, Copper River, Prince William Sound, Southcentral, and Southeast. The grant distribution prioritized nonprofits supporting public health, food security, mental health, housing, and basic needs to better serve vulnerable populations – including youth, seniors, and persons with mental and physical disabilities.
“The grant process has provided a unique opportunity to support the ingenious work of the Alaska nonprofit sector and to work collectively with DCCED and philanthropic partners to meet the needs of Alaskan communities,” said Nina Kemppel, CEO of The Alaska Community Foundation.
The ARPA Nonprofit Recovery Fund was launched due to the Alaska State Legislature’s appropriation of $20 million from the State’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for grants to nonprofits to address the economic and social impacts due to COVID-19.