Annual Report
To love Alaska is to live here. In all our complexities, we share the common goal to preserve the beauty and eccentricities of what can only be defined as a sacred place. Collectively we feel the pains of growth, celebrate the successes of our communities, and endeavor to build a better place for the next generation.
It is our love of Alaska and shared purpose to make a better future that gives us strength. By building philanthropy, through our support of nonprofit organizations, and in our leadership of programs focused on locally driven grants, together we are making a difference for tens of thousands of individuals and families in Alaska.
Thanks to your support, in 2019 we awarded 117 students scholarships worth nearly $400,000 and granted out over $9 million to nonprofits organizations across the state. Pick.Click.Give. celebrated its 10th year and once again provided nonprofits a sustainable means to connect with donors and bring awareness to their important causes. The Affiliate program afforded cities and regions across the state the power to focus grants on the unique needs of their communities. These accomplishments are a result of the generosity of Alaskans that endeavor to cultivate and improve their communities and leave a legacy of which they can be proud.
It is our honor to steward the dreams and hopes of our fellow Alaskans. We thank our community and corporate partners, board members, and staff who have made such great strides toward solving the challenges we face as a state. We extend special gratitude to our donors who passionately support the causes they believe in. Together we are working to overcome obstacles and invest in brighter times ahead.
Jim Palmer
Board Chair

Nina Kemppel
President & CEO
Every Alaskan acts on the power
of giving together.
Impact: We are dedicated to partnering with donors, grantees, and Alaskans to strengthen our Alaskan communities.
Inclusion: We are strengthened by Alaska’s diversity and aspire to be inclusive of all voices.
Service: We are dedicated to serving our donors, partners, and all Alaskans with excellent customer service.
Legacy: We believe in the power of endowments to create lasting change for the benefit of Alaska.
Collaboration: We bring together people, ideas, and resources to make lasting improvements, respecting that local communities know how to best address their needs.
Forward-Looking: We believe in the power of long-term community investments to create lasting change for the benefit of future generations of Alaskans.
Integrity: We are responsible stewards, demonstrating transparency and accountability, and providing excellent customer service in our operations and programs.

Board of Directors

Fairbanks is a place of contrasts: light and dark, snow and sun, cold and warm. The warm summers create 80+ degree weather regularly, and block heater stations are needed across town to ensure cars don’t freeze in the winter. Something consistent, regardless of the season, is the generosity of Fairbanksans.
Their generous support, coupled with the need for long-term, sustainable resources for Fairbanks area communities and nonprofits, is why the Golden Heart Community Foundation (GHCF) was established. In 2013, GHCF became an Affiliate of the Alaska Community Foundation. Since its inception, GHCF donors have raised more than $900,000 in endowed funds. Earnings from these funds will be reinvested in local nonprofits that strengthen and provide sustainable resources for Fairbanks into the future.
In 2019, GHCF made a total of $19,000 in grant awards to 9 charitable organizations that serve Fairbanks area communities. Grants were made to the Literacy Council of Alaska, Alaska Songbird Institute, Breast Cancer Detection Center of Alaska, Downtown Association of Fairbanks, Fairbanks Arts Association, Fairbanks Children’s Museum, Fairbanks Community Food Bank, Love In the Name of Christ, and The Folk School. Grants are made by the GHCF Advisory Board and Grants Committee, all local volunteers.
Through a symbiotic and collaborative partnership with ACF, GHCF connects to and grows from a network of statewide community foundations through the Affiliate Program. Affiliates are core to ACF’s mission to inspire the spirit of giving across the state. Affiliates provide ACF with on the ground expertise. They advise on directing resources from local, state, and regional funders to their communities’ charitable organizations.
Affiliates receive substantial support from ACF and Rasmuson Foundation, the Affiliate Program’s champion partner since 2008.
“Fairbanks has been a great home to me and my family for the past 40+ years. The Golden Heart Community Foundation is the best way to make sure that this wonderful place is better than when I “found it” and will be even better for generations to come. Our donors and volunteers share that vision and it’s a privilege to work towards that common goal of taking care of the place that we love.”
Jo Kuchle, GHCF Advisory Board Chair

Fairbanks Community Food Bank

Alaska Songbird Institute

Literacy Council of Alaska

Breast Cancer Detection Center of Alaska
Growing Philanthropy Across Alaska

2019 Affiliate Communities

$2,934,200 contributed by 25,583 Alaskans to 621 nonprofits

Between 2009 and 2020, Pick.Click.Give. (PCG) has been a uniquely Alaskan platform of over $26.7 million in support of 600+ unique nonprofits across Alaska. The PCG program promotes philanthropy in Alaska by enhancing the awareness of the do each year, increases the number of Alaskans who engage in philanthropy, and promotes the benefits of the philanthropic sector statewide.
In 2020, total PCG contributions totaled $2,934,200 donated by 25,583 generous Alaskans to 621 individual nonprofits. The average total donation amount per person was $114.69. On average, each donor gave 11.5% of their PFD to charity through the program.
Pick.Click.Give. continues to be a sustainable fundraising platform for hundreds of nonprofits across the state, and an easy way for individuals and families to give.

Faren Myre | Mountain Village | $10,000 | |
Devan Otton | Nome | $5,000 | |
Dezirae Wiley | Valdez | $5,000 | |
Kiki Moua | Anchorage | $10,000 | |
RaeAnn Tikiun | Eagle River | $5,000 |
In recent years, the value of education has become increasingly important. However, not every student has the same academic needs, interests, and goals. The JJ Klein Scholarship offers opportunities for college academics and technical training allowing students to prioritize their specific skills and personal goals. This empowers them to follow their own path in life.
The scholarship was generously established in 2014 by Joyce and Jerry Klein as part of their legacy to Alaska. The scholarship fund supports Alaskan students seeking post-secondary education. The award is open to graduating high school seniors and students already pursuing post-secondary education at an accredited college, university, or vocational school.
Since 2014, the scholarship has awarded $188,000 in support to 23 students. Each student received $5,000 to $10,000 in financial support.
Imagine what this means to students, their families, and the communities that will benefit from their knowledge and talents. The generosity of one family has created a ripple of goodwill and a legacy of hope for the future.
With 64 scholarships available at ACF, there are many opportunities for many students to further their education and learn critical skills.

Alaska Botanical Garden
One Family’s Botanical Garden Story
There is truly something for everyone at the Alaska Botanical Garden, whether it is exploring the gardens and trails or participating in one of the many educational opportunities available to youth and adults. These programs can have profound and lasting impacts, as I discovered when I signed up for the 2019 Guided Gardener program.
Under the guidance of the knowledgeable staff, we went from knowing nothing about gardening to a family who grew, maintained, and harvested a bountiful crop in the fall. It used to be a struggle to get our oldest to eat vegetables, but by summer’s end that was no longer the case. He developed a genuine and vested interest in all phases of gardening. But the benefit that brought me the most unexpected joy was my family found an activity we could all enjoy together.
I have Multiple Sclerosis, and as a result, have limited mobility. I cannot go on hikes with my family, but I am able to share my love of nature and being outdoors with them through gardening and visits to the ABG. When the program was offered again in 2020, we made sure to sign up. Guided Gardener has given my family so many gifts, and I am forever grateful to the wonderful staff at the Alaska Botanical Garden.
-Nan Voorhees
Nan Voorhees and Son

- Durrell Family Foundation Fund Grant
- Christopher and Faye Stiehm Donor Advised Grant
- Strengthening Organizations Capacity Building Grant
As steward to 110 acres of boreal forest, eight acres of cultivated gardens, and interconnecting nature trails, the Alaska Botanical Garden is a place to find tranquility in a fast paced world.
A visual cadence and harmony remind visitors how connected we are to the majesty that surrounds us. Fractals of intertwining tree branches mimic the creases on the palm of our hands. The spirals of fiddlehead ferns liken the cowlick on a baby’s temple, and the Alaskan violets sparkle like mischievous blue eyes in the sunshine. Over 150 species of Alaskan plants bring pollinators that have evolved in harmony. They too echo the shapes and colors that envelop your senses as you explore the Garden.
With trailside, perennial, herb, and heritage gardens, to name just a few, there is something for everyone. But the Garden is much more than flowers. It is a place for children and families to learn about horticulture and understand conservation. It offers meeting spaces and celebrates local artists. It brings people together and provides a quiet, contemplative place to settle the mind and feed the soul.
Alaska Botanical Garden has three funds with The Alaska Community Foundation, which help maintain and nurture this homage to all the beauty Alaska has to offer. In 2019 they created the Alaska Botanical Garden Endowment and Non-Endowed Funds to support the Garden’s founders’ intent to create a world-class garden to promote the value of plants to society.
Camp Fire Alaska

Every child should have the opportunity to discover the best in themselves and others.
Since 1913, Camp Fire Alaska has been an organization dedicated to nurturing youth. At Camp Fire today, children learn to develop self-confidence by challenging themselves, exploring their environment, and building healthy relationships. Camp Fire Alaska is a leader in the youth development and serves more than 5,000 youth every year through four key programs. This includes before and after school programs, three summer camps, and rural Alaska summer camps.
In 2019, ACF awarded Camp Fire Alaska three grants to support their contribution to Alaska’s youth including a grant to help with needed childcare after the November 7th earthquake. In addition, the Alaska Women’s Giving Circle Donor Advised Fund at ACF choose to collectively donate to Campfire to help provide summer camp scholarships for youth.
Our funding supports three summer camps include Camp Si-La-Meo which is located on the campus of Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage and serves youth ages 5-13. Camp K on Kenai Lake is Alaska’s longest-running co-ed, nonsectarian, ACA accredited resident camp in Alaska and serves over 700 youth each summer including several sessions for youth who face mental, emotional, or physical challenges. Summer Adventure is the most flexible camp and runs all day at three elementary schools in Anchorage and Eagle River. Children can join for just one day or the whole summer.
- Alaska Disaster Recovery
- Alaska Women’s Giving
- Strengthening Organizations Capacity Building Grant

You can’t put a price on consistency and love for a child, but you can put a name to it—it’s Camp Fire.
Aimee, Camp Fire Parent
Catholic Social Services: Working Alongside
Refugees in Mental Health
- Progressive and Social Justice Fund
- Greater Sitka Legacy Fund
- Tom and Kay O’Grady Fund
- Davis Constructors & Employees Fund
- Lorrie and Morris Horning Donor Advised Fund

The Alaska Community Foundation is honored to support Catholic Social Services’ Refugee Assistance & Immigration Services (RAIS) that empowers immigrants and refugees moving to Alaska to make a better life. ACF’s Social Justice Fund granted assistance to the Working Alongside Refugees in Mental Health (WARM) project to help local mental health professionals provide effective mental health services to immigrants in Anchorage. National experts traveled to Alaska to provide 8-hour in-person training to enhance healthcare providers’ capacity to customize care to the unique needs of immigrants. In total, 68 providers attended the training. The provider’s confidence significantly increased after each workshop and their perceived barriers were broken down to allow them to better connect with immigrants under their care. The WARM project and results were selected to be presented at the International Conference of Community Psychology in 2020.
WARM is just one part of the Catholic Social Service’s Refugee Assistance and Immigration Services program (RAIS). RAIS provides a bridge for individuals who have had to flee their countries of origin due to the tragedies of persecution and war to the new skills required for success in the United States. Through a focus on economic self-sufficiency, community integration, and respect for unique cultures, history, and traditions, RAIS creates an environment of compassion and encouragement for refugees to flourish.
“RAIS understands that the work of welcoming refugee communities can only be accomplished through relationships with community partners. The Working Alongside Refugees in Mental Health (WARM), represents a community approach to ensuring that our newest Alaskans receive culturally-informed mental health care across Alaska,” said Issa Spatrisan, Program Director and State Refugee Coordinator RAIS. “RAIS leveraged national expertise in refugee resettlement, and with Dr. Sara Buckingham of UAA, brought research and refugee mental health expertise.”
“This was my first exposure to Narrative Exposure Therapy. As an individual who comes from a collective “storytelling” people, this model makes a lot of sense as to the importance of fine details, hot and cold memories, and it’s relevance to understanding a significant event.”
Program Participant

The Marston Family
Giving together as a family not only affords your family the chance to work on issues that inspire collective passion, it also provides an opportunity to learn more about, appreciate, and carry on an ancestral vision for a better world.
The Marston family has been a part of Alaska’s fabric since 1941 when Major Marvin Marston was offered a commission to be a morale officer for the new base at Fort Richardson and Elmendorf Airfield.
Marston was nothing short of ambitious, and his love for Alaska inspired his passions. He organized the Alaska Territorial Guard and served as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1955. He was an advocate for native land rights and was given the name Muktuk for his kinship and mutual respect for Alaska’s native peoples.
Marston’s food security concerns inspired him to promote potato farming as a suitable food source in the village of Unalakleet where he resided after the war. Few saw value in farming, however, with time this additional source of food and income demonstrated its importance to the local community.
Marston’s legacy is profound, but the most important thing he did was share his passion for giving back with his family. His dedication to supporting the interests of Alaska Native people and his love for the state are now carried on by his family, who created the Marston Family Foundation to continue supporting his vision for western Alaska.
The notion of a community foundation is to establish something forever. In 2013, The Alaska Community Foundation was honored to become the steward of the Marston Family Foundation Fund. This partnership supports the family in their goal to carry on Muktuk Marston’s giving spirit.
So, when Unalakleet local Jason Harris contacted ACF to inquire about getting funding to rebuild the potato gardens of Unalakleet, Marston’s granddaughter Blythe was able to bring her grandfather’s generosity full circle. Jason’s telling of the story is by far the best way to share this amazing testament to the legacy of Marvin “Muktuk” Marston and the shared family goal of giving back.

Marvin “Muktuk” Marston and Senator William Beltz examining first potato crop.
I had heard about a person coming around to the villages to help get community gardens going back when I was a teacher in Koyuk. I found Marston’s book “Men of the Tundra” in the school library. The chapter that resonated with me was entitled Fish and Chips are Great. It tapped into my desire for a self-sustaining lifestyle and, more importantly, self-sufficient rural Alaskan communities. I found myself nodding my head in agreement while reading it. Muktuk understood the world I lived in.
COVID-19 came around, and talk of food shortages came up in everyday conversations around our house. COVID was the catalyst that pushed my wife and me to action. I reached out to The Alaska Community Foundation to contact the Marston Foundation Fund with somewhat of a Hail Mary… we were way past the deadline for any grant money and then was shocked to get a call from Marston’s granddaughter Blythe Marston later that day.
The project took off and was up and running before we knew it. I am amazed every day. The miracle of putting a potato in the ground and watching it grow into a lush, green plant only further exemplifies its miraculous nature. I am humbled that I have been allowed to play a small part in this project.
Now, our little group is talking about growing the project. We are making plans for next year already and how we want to continue and expand the effort.
– Jason Harris, Project Advocate, Teacher, and Writer

Modern day potato garden project

Grants and Scholarships

Fund Types
52 new funds were created to support nonprofits and the philanthropic goals of individuals, families, and organizations. There are many types of funds, each with their own value and purpose. Some funds created in 2019 include:
Ruth Hart Endowment Fund – The Alaska Center for the Performing Arts (ACPA) established this agency fund with the proceeds and direction from Ruth’s estate. She was a long-time patron of the arts and supporter of the ACPA who wanted to benefit the Sydney Laurence Theater in perpetuity.
The Jack and Nona Renn Football Fund – In memory of Jack and in honor of the decades of service he and Nona gave to high school sports, Nona set-up this non-endowed designated fund to help Anchorage school football teams succeed now and in the future.
Walter J. and Ermalee Hickel Alaska Fund II – With the settlement of Ermalee’s estate plan, this endowed field of interest fund was created based on instructions she left with her attorney. The fund will forever support the causes that were important to the pioneering Alaskan couple.
The Liam Hood Memorial Scholarship Fund – A fund to honor the memory of a life taken too soon and carry on the hopes and dreams of a young man just getting started at life.
- The GCI Scholarship Program Fund – Created in 2019 to annually award students with scholarships to help them in their journey to higher learning.
Fund Summary

Charitable Assets at ACF
With contributions from donors and fundholders in 2019, we reached and exceeded $110 million in assets. It was only five short years ago that we celebrated $80 million, a feat that had taken twenty years. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to steward these assets to positively impact Alaska.

ACF Financial Reports



A Celebration of 2019 Donors
In 2019, 2,825 donations were made to the causes that mattered to Alaskans.
There are many ways to give. From the $25 gift made via Pick. Click. Give. to a favorite charity, to the $500 on-line donation to ACF’s Annual Fund, to the $10,000 distributed from an IRA to an Affiliate endowed fund, to the $500,000 bequest from an estate to the Field of Interest fund established years ago via legacy planning, every contribution makes a difference. All donations are pooled and invested to increase the overall impact of every fund and project. We are truly stronger together.
Includes Donors and Agencies that made Donations to their own funds
2019 Donors |
Roxanne Abajian |
Nancy Abbott |
Rick Abbott and Hope Wing |
ABR, Inc |
Sherry Abrahams |
Steve and Carol Adamczak |
Cynthia Adams |
Kathleen Adams |
Robert and Lynda Adams |
Robert and Aleta Adkins |
Adventure Sixty North |
Alaska Airlines |
Alaska Center for the Performing Arts |
Alaska Children’s Trust |
Alaska Family Services |
Alaska Fjordlines Inc. |
Alaska Historical Society |
Alaska Kidney Foundation |
Alaska Kidney Patients Association |
Alaska Liquor Store |
Alaska Nature Guides |
Alaska Pest Management |
Alaska Raptor Center |
Alaska SeaLife Center |
Alaska Speedskating Club |
Alaska Wildlands Adventures |
Alaska Wildsides, Inc. |
Lisa Albert-Konecky |
Taralee Alcock |
Bill and Sharon Allen |
Cynthia Allen |
Dave and Lauren Allen |
Robert Allen and Robin Sherman |
Virginia Allen |
Theresa Allen-Olson and Charles Olson |
Catherine Allgood-Mellema |
Alpine Real Estate |
Ilana Amason |
Akewamahovi Amosu |
Anchorage Park Foundation |
Sally Andersen and Michael Wald |
James Anderson |
Jennifer Anderson |
Linda Anderson and Stephen G. Frank |
Lougie Anderson |
Margaret Anderson |
Mark and Andria Anderson |
Mary Ellen Anderson |
Nancy and Brandon Anderson |
Susan Anderson |
Wendy Anderson |
Adam Andis and Bayla Arietta |
Mark Andrews and Cheryl Keepers |
Susan Andrews and John Creed |
Lisa and Thomas Andriesen |
Judi Andrijanoff |
Susana Arias |
Armed Services YMCA of the USA |
Hans Arnett |
Teri and Charles Arnold |
Melissa Aronson |
Glenn A. Arundell and Barbara Beeman |
Shane and Anna Atchison |
Robert Atkinson |
Rose Marie Atkinson |
Atwood Foundation |
Auklet Charter Services |
Harry and Erin Aulman |
Ginny and Alan Austerman |
William Babylon |
Andy Bacon |
Callie Bacon |
Austin Badger |
Albert and Crystal Badgley |
Carlyle Bailey |
Jeffrey Baird |
Robert W. Baird and Co. Incorporated |
Baird Foundation, Inc. |
Betsy Berryman Baker |
Frank Baker |
Timothy Ballard |
Richard Balnis |
Marcia Bandy |
William Bankston and Frances Talbott |
Robert Barbour |
Dot and Linnie Bardarson |
Thomas and Sheila Barrett |
Jean Bartos |
Robert “Beau” Bassett |
Teri Bastable-Podsiki |
Mark Battaion and Kristin Hathhorn |
Gary and Barbara Baugh |
Kathleen Beaty |
Robert Beaulieu |
Joseph and Leslie Becia |
Alexandra Becker |
Celeste Beck-Goodell |
Becky’s Place Haven of Hope |
Vera Bedard |
Robert and April Beedle |
Mark Begich |
Susan Behlke Foley |
Albert and Rebecca Bell |
Genevieve Bell |
Annie Belts |
Edward Bennett |
Linda Benson |
Marcie and Dan Bentti |
Julie and Tony Berberich |
William and Joyce Bergmann |
Melissa Berman |
Anissa Berry |
Nancy Bertino |
Judy A. Besh and Donald G. Clary |
Charles Bettisworth and Karen Perdue |
Bettisworth North Architects and Planners Inc. |
Anne Biberman and Terry Duszynski |
B.L. Bigelow |
Lucy Bikulcs and Mark Lusch |
Daniel Billman |
Nancy Bird |
Sarah Birdsall |
Jonathan Birdsong |
Herb Bischoff and Jackie Schakel |
Mary Anne Bishop |
North Bishop |
Ronald and Sherry Black |
Edwin and Merry Blair |
Lisa Blake |
Joslyn Blanchard |
Patricia Blank |
B-Line Construction |
Richard L and Diane M Block Foundation |
Barbara and Gerald Blood |
Jill Blumberg |
Jeff Bochart |
Lyra Bochenek |
Stephen Boehlert |
Sharon Boko |
Leah Boltz |
Deborah Bonito |
David and Kathleen Boochever |
Linda Boochever and John Schwartz |
Kate and Stan Boor |
Douglas and Olga Borland |
Jeremy Botz and Krysta Williams |
Jamie Bourque |
Judith Bowersox |
Anne Boyce and Paul Swift |
Jasmine Boyle |
Gerald and Lisa Boyles |
BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. |
Barry and Kathleen Bracken |
Kylie Bradley |
Molly Bradley |
Timothy and Abby Bradley |
Avery and Erin Bradshaw |
Gregory Bragiel |
Harvey and Kathleen Brandt |
Patricia Branson and Gordon Gould |
James and Lani Brennan |
Hannah Brewster |
Ronald and Lorree Brey |
Sam and Theresa Brice |
Colleen Bridge |
Bridges Community Resource Network, Inc. |
Brigham A. McCown |
Camille Brill |
Greg and Luann Brittenham |
Deborah Brocke and Jeff Robinson |
Arlene G. Brooks |
Emma Grace Brooks |
Grace Brooks |
Katie and Ryan Brooks |
Regan Brooks |
Karen and Charles Brophy |
William Broste |
Alan Brown |
Benjamin Brown |
Joel and Terry Brown |
Laree M Brown |
Robert G. Brown and Karen P. Brown |
Thomas and Susan Brown |
John and Louise Brubaker |
Christa Bruce-Kotrc |
Sigrid Brudie |
Audrey Brumback |
Susan Brusehaber |
Sean Bryant |
Scott and Cleo Brylinsky |
Steve Buckley |
Jeff Budd |
Sen. Con Bunde and Becky Patterson Bunde |
Thomas Bundtzen |
Sam and Linda Bunge |
Betsy Burdett |
Kaley Burk |
James Burkholder |
Dave Burleigh |
Brian Burnett |
Deette Burnett |
Christopher and Georgia Burns |
Marsha Burns |
Steven and Desiree Burrell |
Wendy Burril |
Julia Burrows |
Linda Bursiel |
Ellen Burton and Donald Okerlund |
Lisa Busch |
Larry and Jane Buskirk |
Leo Bustad |
Brian and Angela Butler |
Cindy Buxton and Russ White |
Christopher Byrd |
Patricia Byrne |
Beverly Caldwell |
Donald and Hana Callaghan |
Sara Callaghan Chapell and Richard Chapell |
Larry Calvin |
Gabe Camacho |
Andrew Cameron |
Drew Cameron |
Camilla Pfeiffer |
Judy Caminer and Roger Marks |
Camp Fire Alaska |
C. Keith and Jacqueline Campbell |
Norman and Toby Campbell |
Lauren Caraghar |
Dennis and Bobbie Carlson |
Carolyn Carpenter |
Kristin Carpenter |
The Carr Foundation |
Sky Carver |
Cascade Centre |
Carey Case |
Barbara and Larry Cash |
Charles and Robyn Cassidy |
Lindsey Cassidy |
Brynn and Kevin Castle |
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited |
Tonya Caylor |
The Tim and Barb Cerny Foundation |
Michael and Marna Cessnun |
Mavis Chan |
Brooks Chandler |
Emily Chapel |
Dylan Chapell |
Lucia Chapell |
Sally Chapell |
Norbert and Diana Chaudhary |
David Cheezem and Melissa Behnke |
Donald Chen |
Jann Chen |
Patricia Chesbro |
William and Kim Chetney |
Eric Chi |
Chilkat Restaurant and Bakery |
Chilkat Valley Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine |
Arva Chiu |
Jessie Chmielowski |
Judge Morgan Christen and James Torgerson |
Judith Christiansen |
Sharilyn Christiansen and Joseph Hoon |
Chugach Alaska Corporation |
Chugiak-Eagle River Nordic Ski Club |
The CIRI Foundation |
Charlotte Ciszek and Michael Bradac |
City of Fairbanks |
Joel Cladouhos |
Matt Claman and Lisa Rieger |
Clarence and Janet Clark |
Ian Clark and Clarence |
Clark and Green Associates |
Judith Clark Heinmiller |
James Claypool |
Kyle Clayton |
Lee and Margo Clayton |
Larry Cleland |
The Cliffhanger LLC |
Cindy and Raymond Clock |
Lee Close |
Tania Clucas |
Wayne and Roxanne Cobb |
Cecelia Coenen |
Carrie Cofer |
Catherine Coffey |
Tracie Cogdill |
Kerry and Gershon Cohen |
Emily Cohn |
Stig and Kelin Colberg |
Vanessa Collier |
Mary and Dale Collins |
Richard and Bonnie Collins |
Joseph and Gena Columbus |
Sabrena and David Combs |
Community Connections |
ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. |
Jeff and Susan Cook |
Michael and Sharon Cook |
Cook Inlet Housing Authority |
Sharla Coon |
Alexis Cooper |
Brianna Cooper |
Travis Cooper |
Omar Cordes |
Cordova Telephone Cooperative |
Cordova Wireless Communications, LLC |
Donald Cornelius |
Karen Cornelius |
Marci Cornell |
Andrew Corr |
Denis Salvador Corral |
Tom Cosgrove |
Trisha Costello |
Lamar Cotten |
April and Jeremy Counceller |
Ray and Mary Couvillion |
Covenant House Alaska |
Carolyn and Bob Covington |
Angela Cox |
Agnes Coyle |
Katharine Cramer |
Martha Crane and Matt Lightner |
Marcela Credito |
Laura Creighton |
Kathy and Chris Crenshaw |
Chancy Croft |
Jay Croft |
Patrick Cronin and Maria-Hansen Cronin |
Dale Crowell |
Mike Cruise |
CSG, Inc. |
Darsie and Courtney Culbeck |
Joyce Cummings |
Robert Cummings |
Aryn Cunningham |
Victoria and Dick Curran |
Clyde and Jean Curry |
Julianne Curry |
Lisa Curtis |
David and Marlene Cushing |
Margaret and Jason Custer |
Ann Dagnillo |
Mary Lynne and James Dahl |
Elaine Dahlgren |
Camilla and Mark Dalton |
Brenda Dates Campen |
Emily Davies and Tony DeGange |
Deborah Davis |
Forrest Davis |
Michael Davis |
Norman Davis |
Thomas and Laura Davis |
Thomas and Linda Davis |
Wendy Davis |
Dawson Construction |
Rita De La Torre |
Barry Dearborn |
Scott DeBerard |
Lois DeBoer |
John Decherney |
Nancy Decherney |
Julie Decker |
Andrew Degen and Sandra June-Degen |
Leslie Delaney |
Jamie Delman |
Lisa Demer |
Denali Education Center |
Carole Denkinger |
Larry Derby and Rebecca Wilson |
Robin Dern |
Kristin DeSmith |
Tina Devine |
Allison Devore |
Jay Devore |
Charles and Toni Dewitt |
Estate of Donald Dewitt |
Charlie Dexter |
Susan Deyoe and Jeff Lebegue |
Jeffrey and Nancy Dickrell |
Barbara Dieckgraeff |
Emma Rose Dieter |
John Diliberto |
Karen Dillman |
Hazel Dima |
Dimond Center Holdings LLC |
Sam and Emily Dinges |
Dawn Dinwoodie and Rod Worl |
Dirtworks, Inc |
Diane DiSanto |
Judy Divinyi |
Dixie State University |
James Dixon |
Scott Doddridge |
Julie Dodds |
Barbara Donatelli |
Amy Doogan |
Craig Dorman |
James Dorn |
Katherine Dougherty |
Carol Douthat |
Dowl LLC |
Cody Downs |
Doyon, Limited |
Carol and John Drake |
Judith Dresser |
Barbara Dubovich |
Brooke Dudley |
Darcy Dugan |
John R. and Carol Duis |
Forrest Dunbar |
Marcus Dunbar |
William and Carolyn Duncan |
Edward Duncombe and Marian Uhlman |
Ruben and Pamela Duran |
Greg and Shari Durocher |
Brian and Sandy Durrell |
Jim and Margaret Durst |
John and Eileen Eavis |
Robert and Deborah Eckley |
Laura Edmondson |
Brent and Valerie Edwards |
Jessica Edwards |
Scott and Iwona Edwards |
Ann Nora Ehret |
Heidi Ekstrand |
Ivy Elliot |
Karen Elliot and Lou Steffey |
Raymond Ellis |
Moezeldin Elmostafa and Sara Abbas-hamid |
Andrew Elsberg and Shannon Brockman |
Thomas Ely |
Travis England |
Catherine Engstrom Munoz |
Catherine Erickson |
Susan Erickson |
Sharon Ermold |
Kathryn Ernst |
Alonso Escalante |
Cecelia Esparza |
Glenn Estabrook |
Mary Evans |
Leslie Evenden |
Launi and Pete Evenson |
Everts Air Fuel, Inc. |
Judith Ewald |
Exit Glacier Guides |
Hedwig Faber |
Ruth Fairall |
Fairbanks Arts Association |
Fairbanks Curling Lions |
Fairweather Ski Works |
Michael Falvey and Elizabeth Marantz |
Bernard Federspiel |
Emily Fehrenbacher |
Brad Feld |
Jeff Feldman |
Melody Feniks |
Feniks and Company, LLC |
Christina Fenner |
Graham and Lauren Fernandes |
Fidelity Charitable |
Naphtali and Aaron Fields-Forbes |
Esmee Figueroa |
Krista Finch |
Natalie Finn |
William Finnegan |
First American Title Insurance – Homer |
First Bank |
First National Bank Alaska |
Jim Fischer |
Fish Inc. |
Paul and Hazel Fisher |
Ryan Fisher |
Ute Fitzgerald |
Johnathan and Christina Fitzgibbons |
Ann Fitzmaurice |
Mark Flanagan |
John Fleming |
Martha Fleming |
Timothy Fleming |
Molly and David Fletcher |
Casey Flint |
Charles and Susan Flint |
Holli Flint |
Heather Flynn |
Joseph Fong |
Mary Forbes |
Kevin and Margaret Foster |
William Foster |
Sofia Fouquet |
Robert and Christy Fowler |
Karen Fox |
Eleanor Franke |
Fred Meyer Fund (Kroger) |
James Fredrickson |
Jane Freeman |
Arthur French |
Richard Friedman |
Friends of the Talkeetna Library |
Carol Frost |
Milbia Fuller |
Kris and John Fulton |
Suzanne Fuqua |
Sherry Furlong |
Penny Gage |
Elliott and Janel Gagnon |
Susan Gainey |
Brit and Jerrod Galanin |
Nicholas Galanin |
Pirie Gall |
Molly Gallagher |
Melissa Gandel |
Ashlyn Ganey |
Brinley Ganey |
Melissa Ganey |
Terry and Linda Gardiner |
Gail Gardner |
John Garner |
Anne Garrett |
Dennis Geasan |
Marcella Gelhaus |
Glenn Gellert and Wendy Long Gellert |
Kathy and Daniel Gensel |
Georgia Blue Gallery |
Barbara Gerard |
Greg and Jonna Gerboth |
Marie Gerdich |
Robert Gerik |
Brad Gessner |
GHEMM Company |
Corinne Gibble |
Adam Gibbons and Ingrid Mesa |
John and Melissa Bowden Gibbons |
Lile Gibbons |
Ron and Patt Gibbs |
Nancy Gibert |
Sally Gibert |
Glenda Gilbert |
Shawn Gilman |
GK30 LLC |
Alice Qannik Glenn |
Clara Glotfelty |
Joseph Godles |
Corey Goheen |
Henry Goldberg |
Anita Golton |
The GoodCoin Foundation |
Gregory and Carole Goodman |
H. Penny Goodstein |
Michael Goodwin and Cathy Rezabeck |
Anne Gore |
Carol Gore |
Katherine Gottlieb |
Kevin Gottlieb |
David Gottstein |
James Gottstein |
Terrie Gottstein |
Chelsea Goucher |
Michael Gould |
Jodi Gouwens |
Kevin Gover |
Robyn and Philip Grad |
Gary Graham |
Henry Grant |
Madeleine Grant and Doug Miller |
Wyan Grant |
Grantmakers in Health |
James Graupmann and Diane Ziegner |
Deborah Gravel and Peter Dwyer |
Don Gray |
Kevin and Dawn Gray |
Steve and Mary Gray |
Great Northern Asset Management, LLC |
Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce |
Kristen Green and Monty Mykolas |
Trevor Green |
Rachel Greenberg |
Nanette Greenlee |
Harvey and Evelyn Greenwald |
Gregg Enterprises LLC |
Delenora Grey |
Jared Griffin |
Lura Griffiths |
Alan and Monica Gross |
Carol Gross |
Karen Grussendorf |
Maureen and Doug Gualtieri |
Diane Gubatayao |
Mardell Gunn and Mark Kistler |
Carol Gustafson |
Jack Guthman |
Julianna Guy |
Audrey Haberman |
Adam Hackett |
Phyllis Hackett |
Amy Haddow |
Carolyn Hahn |
Michelle Hahn O’Leary |
Haines Education Association |
Lindsey Hajduk |
Athena Haley |
Jess Haley |
Thomas and Sally Hall |
Tiffany Hall |
Randy and Jane Hall Field |
Gary Halmstad |
Allegra Hamer |
Barbara Hames |
Brian Hames |
Roger and Mary Hames |
Marguerite Anne Haney |
Amy Hankins |
Owen Hanley |
Lynne Hannah |
Dennis and Paula Hansell |
Vincent and Jansy Hansen |
Nancy Hanson |
Sandra Hanson |
Trevor Harang |
Harborside, Inc |
David Harding |
John Hardwick |
Paulla Hardy |
Richard Harland |
Harren Wendell |
Heather and Joshua Harris |
Lea Harris |
Thomas and Katherine Harrison |
Deborah Hart |
Dan Harter |
Wendy Harter |
Jim and Sandra Haselberger |
Marcia and Douglas Hastings |
Arne Hatch and Melody Spangler – Hatch |
Elizabeth Hatton |
George and Aase Haugen |
Shannon Haugland |
James and Patricia Haugom |
Hannah Hawkins |
Jana Hayenga |
Suzanne Hayes |
Edward and Yuko Hays |
Michael Hayward |
Jeffrey and Terri Hazlewood |
Andrew Hedden |
Bonnie Hedrick |
Lisa Heffernan |
Joe Heinemann |
Sylvia Heinz |
Kristi Helgen |
Dorothy Helm |
James and Nancy Hemsath |
Cynthia Hendel |
Rebecca Henderson |
Rebecca and Tod Henderson |
Mark Hendsbee |
Barbara Henjum |
John Hennessy |
Lee Henrikson and Michael Chmielewski |
Alissa Henry |
Daniel Henry |
Michelle Hensel and Robb Reeg |
Abigail and William Hensley |
Laurie Herman |
Kris Hermanns |
Kristin Heusser |
Duane and Carol Heyman |
Elizabeth and Tom Heywood |
Leslie and Melva Hiatt |
Hickel Investment Company |
Walter J Hickel Marital Trust |
Andrea Hieronymus |
Gregory and Shannon Higgins |
Shelley Higgins |
Roger and Cecelia Higley |
Alisha Hilde |
Erik and Robin Hill |
Mara and Emma Hill |
Hill Bar |
David Hilty |
Rebecca Himschoot |
Matthew Hirschfeld |
Hitchcock Piano Studio |
John Hoag |
Lynn Hohl |
Ronald and Mary Holbrook |
Dorothy Holm |
Claudia Holmes |
Judith Holmes |
Kathryn Holmes and Timothy Shields |
Matt Holmes |
Ramona Holmes |
Susan Holmes |
Meghan Holtan |
Joseph and Cheryl Homme |
Barbara Hood and Dirk Sisson |
Lee Hood |
Myron and Sue Hood |
Russell, Julie and Natalie Hood |
Hoop ‘N Hula Milk ‘N Cookies |
Sharon Horn |
Markus Horning |
Dr. Morris and Lorrie Horning |
David Horvitz |
James M. Housley |
Joshua Houston |
Peggy and Paul Hovik |
Beth Howard |
Susan Howard |
Helen Howarth |
Howsers IGA Supermarket |
James and Rhonda Hubbard |
Al Hubler |
Barbara Hubler |
Caroline Hudnall |
Patrice Huettl |
Lyle and Lauran Huff |
Kim Hughes |
Norman Hughes |
R.M. Huhndorf and Company |
Linda Hulbert |
H Daniel Hull and Nancy Pease |
Robert Jr. and Kimberley Hunter |
Sharon Hunter |
Leon Huntington |
Huntley and Associates |
Jerry Hupp and Gail Volt |
Teresa and Larry Hura |
J. Scott and Jean Husband |
Warren and Mary Huss |
Jessica Ieremia |
Chidi and Lucia Igbokwe |
Ronald Inouye |
Institute for Community Alliances |
Interior Alaska Cancer Association |
Interior and Arctic Alaska Aeronautical Foundation, Inc. |
Ionia Inc. |
Heather Ireland and Gary Snyder |
Kerry Irons |
Karson Ivey |
Bonnie Jack |
Jack White Real Estate |
Larry and Leslie Jackson |
Babbie Jacobs |
Caitlin Jacobson |
Judy and Terry Jacobson |
Martha Jacobson |
William Jacobson |
Angelina Jacobson |
Bruce and Carole Jaffa |
Jaffa Construction, Inc |
Barbara Jagels |
Sonja Jenko |
Rose Jenne and Robin Rivers |
R. Michael and Darlene Jens |
Tina Jernigan |
Asher Jimenez |
Hayden Jimenez |
Sierra Jimenez |
John Jinneman |
K L Johannes |
Regina Johanos |
Barbara and Steve Johnson |
Barry Johnson and Joyce Johnson Weaver |
Beth and Mike Johnson |
Craig and Terrie Johnson |
Elliott and Molly Johnson |
Greg and Kathi Johnson |
Lynn Johnson |
Marlys Johnson |
Sarah, MJ and Annika Johnson |
Steven and Delena Johnson |
Jay Johnston and Stephanie Love |
Jennifer and Allan Johnston |
Alice Johnstone |
Amy Jones |
Dan and Karen Jones |
Deborah Jones |
Ransom and Kimberly Jones |
Tim and Theresa Jones |
Lee and Samille Jordan |
Constance Jorgensen |
Lindsey Jorgensen |
Janessa Joseph |
Richard Joy |
Jumper, Inc. |
Anna and Jim Jurgeleit |
Larry and Nelle Jurgeleit |
Mollie Kabler |
Christina Kamelhair |
Mark Kansteiner and Colleen Kelly |
Andrew Kaplan |
Charles and Lynne Kaplan |
David Kaplan |
Diane Kaplan and Mel Sather* |
Michael Kaplan |
Sarah Kaplan |
Greg and Jennifer Karlik |
Karlson LLC Lighthouse Excursions |
Kent Karns |
Lorraine Kasko |
Kathleen and Walter Kaso |
John and Kirby Kauffman |
Richard and Tina Kauffman |
Eileen Kazura |
KDS Leasing, LLC |
Alison Kear |
Kim Kearney |
Keene and Currall A Professional Corporation |
Raymond and Linda Kelley |
Thomas Kelley |
James and Christine Kelly |
Denali A. Kemppel and Kevin Cuddy |
Nina Kemppel |
Roger and Mary Kemppel |
Lesley and Jim Kempsell |
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District |
Suzie Kendrick |
Cinny Kennard |
Judith Kepes |
Rebecca Kerin |
Gary Keskela |
Susan Kesti and Daniel Logan |
Janet Kidd |
Drs. Phyllis and Royal Kiehl |
Larry and Ann Kilgore |
Mara Kimmel |
Janet Kincaid |
Allen King |
Jean-Ellen King |
Jonathan and Elizabeth King |
Robert King |
Tina King |
Kingfisher Consulting LLC |
David Kingsland |
Charles Kinney |
Jack Kinney |
Johanna Kinney |
Wayne and Barbara Kinunen |
Jacob Kirkness |
Kim Kirkness |
Maris Kivett |
Mary Jane Klebesadel |
Gretchen Klein |
Cheré Klein Enright and Loren Enright |
Dave Klenzendorf |
Cynthia Klepaski |
Douglas and Lynn Kloke |
Kluane to Chilkat International Bike Relay Society |
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation |
Bruce Knofel |
Pamela Knowles |
Kara Knox |
Kevin Knox |
Kobuk Coffee |
Barry Koch |
Hilary Koch |
Kodiak Area Native Association |
Kodiak Public Library Association |
Kodiak Rotary Club |
Meera Kohler |
Valerie Koivunen |
Janet and Ron Kolar |
Gabriel and Laura Kompkoff |
Koniag Inc. |
Barclay and Robert Kopchak |
Clay Koplin |
Martha and Bill Kopplin |
Daphne Koropp |
Julie Korsmeyer |
Alexander and Miriam Kotlarov |
Megan Kouremetis |
John Kowal |
Chris Kowalczewski |
Mary Kowalczykc and Rudy Saccomanno |
Linda Kozak |
Mira Kraft |
Larry Kramer |
Patty Krasnansky |
Mary Krusen |
Anne Kubas |
Alexander Kubitz |
Elizabeth Kubitz |
Grace Kubitz |
Jim Kubitz |
Jo Kuchle and Gene Therriault |
Linda Kumin |
Aaron Kusano |
Dick and Mary LaFever |
Vernon “Jim” and Kay LaBau |
Mark Lackey |
Suzanne Lagoni |
Kathryn and Tom Lamal |
Ellen Lancaster |
The Landing Hotel |
Lori Landstrom |
Julie and Dennis Landwehr |
Jane and Steve Lanford |
Valerie Lapinski |
Brian Larky |
Ellen and Larry Larson |
Latash Investments |
Conrad Lau |
Lavelle’s Bistro Cafe de Paris Catering Co |
Jessie Lavoie |
Janice Laxson |
Jay and Bill W. Laxson |
Leroy and Marilyn Layton |
Rebecca Lean |
Patricia Leary |
Helen Leber |
Riki Lebman and Dave Mesiar |
Barton and Mary Lebon |
Claire LeClair Holland |
Cathy LeCompte |
Gareth LeCrone and Family |
Andrew Lee |
Nicole Lee |
Norman Lee |
Pauline Lee |
Janet Leekley Eddy |
Deborah and Benjamin Leff |
Bill Legere |
Linda Legg |
Colleen Leibert |
Noemi Leick |
Marilyn Leland |
Robert Lemon |
Chip and Heather Lende |
Phillip Lende |
Hilda Lespron |
Sanna LeVan |
Larry and Lenora Leveen |
Richard and Eileen Levinson |
Keith and Janice Levy |
Susan Levy |
David Lewis |
Tom Lewis |
Cynthia and Warren Libby |
Sue Libenson |
Mike Liebing |
Michael and Julie Lina |
Stephen Lindbeck |
Kenni and Nils Lindin |
Carol Ann Lindsey |
Benjamin Linford |
Daniel Linkhart |
Robert and Patricia Linville |
Cindy Litman |
Susan Litman |
Stephen Livingston and Margaret Cobey |
LMJ Consulting |
Diana Long |
George Long |
Wendy, Dave and Elliot Longtin |
Maribel Lopez |
Victoria Lord |
Dorene Lorenz |
Naomi Louvier |
Melissa Low |
Ora Lew Lowery |
Lu Young Children’s Fund |
Douglas and Barbara Luiten |
Laura Luna |
Steve Lundgren |
David Lundin |
Angela Lusk |
Lutak Lumber and Supply |
Monica and Jolund Luther |
Mark Luttrell and Ann Ghicadus |
Russ Lyman and Cynthia Allen |
Aftan Lynch |
Erin and Rob Lynch |
Lynden Inc. |
Lynn Canal Corporation |
Barbro Lyon |
Elizabeth Lyons |
Mary Ann Macinko |
Thomas Mack |
Dylan Mackeben |
Ralph Mackie |
Madison Lumber and Hardware, Inc |
Israel Mahay |
Jennifer Mahlen |
Elaine and Mort Maimon |
Frankie Mak |
Marsha Mak |
Malia Hayward Ins Agency, Inc |
Sharon and Pete Mallatt |
Anthony and Mandy Mallott |
Byron* and Toni Mallott |
Frank and Sandy Malone |
Dr. Vicki Malurkar and William Anthes |
David Mannheimer |
Andrea Manning |
Arthur and Karen Mannix |
Christopher and Barbara Mannix |
Jacob Mannix |
Zachary Mannix |
Karen Marcey |
Richard (EZ) Marchant |
Elena Marks |
Michael Marks |
Ross A. Marley, DMD, LLC |
Steven Marques |
David and Pamela Marquez |
Jennifer Marschke |
Carol Marsh |
Deborah Marshall |
Jordan Marshall |
Blythe Marston |
Brooke and Wilda Marston |
Erin and Cheri Marston |
James Martin |
John Deverick Martin |
Judy Martin |
Louise Martin |
Luis Martinez |
Zuleika Mason |
Laura Mastrella |
Peter Mathiesen and Sandra Ehrlich-Mathiesen |
Mat-Su Health Foundation |
Mat-Su Sea Hawkers, Inc. |
Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation |
Tina Mattis |
John and Janet Mattson |
Colin Maynard |
Sheryl Mayo |
Molly Mayo Wood |
John McCabe |
Dave and Valery McCandless |
Joann McClain |
Kevin McClear |
Rich and Susan McClear |
Sue McClure |
William McCrossan |
Karin McCullough |
Mark McDermott |
Christy McDonald |
The Gerard McDonnell Memorial Fund |
Sheila McDonough |
Game and Debra McGimsey |
Hope Mcgratty |
Christine McGraw |
Debra and Paul Mcguire |
Patti McGuire and Greg Romack |
Thomas McGuire |
Susan McHenry |
Blake McHugh |
Alex and Whadawn McKay |
Alexandra McKay and Christian Morgan |
Stephen McKeever |
Kathy McKelvey |
Douglas and M.E. Mclaughlin |
Christine McLeod Pate |
Emily McMahan |
Jeffrey McMillan |
Dennis and Stephanie McMillian |
Curtis McQueen |
Catherine McRoberts |
Vanessa Meade |
Maria Elena Medlock |
Michael and Yong Meeks |
Bill and Ellen Mehan |
Bill and Bonnie Mehner |
Becky Meiers |
Karen Meizner |
Steven and Joanna Menaker |
Malcolm and Elaine Menzies |
Barbara Mercer and Michael Halla |
Mary-Jane Messinger |
Jason Metrokin |
Charles Michael |
Jo and Peter Michalski |
Karen and Michael Milam |
Mark Milat |
Arthur Fred Miller |
Elizabeth and Louie Miller |
Greg and Jan Miller |
Ken Miller |
Kristina Miller |
Richard and Margot Miller |
Rob and Ardy Miller |
Valorie Miller and Clifford Ford |
Bruce Mills |
Karen and Clark Milne |
Maggie Minton |
Donald Mitchel |
Faith Mitchell |
Frank and Deena Mitchell |
Scot and Bonnie Mitchell |
Charles Mitman |
Peter Mjos and Karen Ruud |
Frances Mlakar |
Maris and Don Mobley |
Michael Moeglein and Colleen Bridge |
Thomas Moll |
Monroe Foundation |
Willow and Antonio Monterrosa |
Mike Monterusso |
Carol Montgomery |
James Montgomery and William McIver |
J. and Valerie Moody |
Bonnie Moore |
Donald and Barbara Moore |
Ted and Virginia Moore |
James and Joeann Moran |
Becky More |
Hilary Morgan |
Sydney and Yuri Morgan |
Boyd Morgenthaler |
Dr. Michael and Maya Moriarty |
Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center |
Carroll and Sonya Mortenson |
Curtis and Ashley Mortenson |
Emily Mosites |
Donald and Donna Mosites Family Foundation |
Carolyn Mosley Ganner and Thomas Ganner |
Mountain Market |
Anson Moxness |
Linda Moyer |
Mt. McKinley Lions Club |
Ivory Mulholland |
Municipality of Anchorage |
Nancy Munro |
Vivian Munson |
James Murphy |
Lynn Murphy and Peter Shwartz |
Peter E. Murphy and Susan LaGrande |
Steve Murphy |
Murphy Family Dental |
Museums Alaska |
Jackie Musgrave |
Christine Myers |
Michael and Joanne Myers |
Ann Myren and Tim McDonough |
Rachel Myron and Steve Lewis |
Deanna and Jon Nafzger |
Todd Nagengast |
Michael Navarre |
Tim Navarre |
Neacola Moutain Air LLC |
Leslie and Harry W. Need IV |
Claire Nelson |
Mary Beth Nelson and Steve Paustian |
Rick and Leslie Nerland |
Rebecca Neslunds |
Jan Newman |
Joyce and Richard Newman |
Thomas Newman |
Jamie Newsom Eaton |
Bonnie Nichols |
Janice Nightingale |
Barbara and Douglas Norbeck |
Margaret Nordale and Bob Schruf |
Nordic Skiing Association of Anchorage, Inc. |
Beth Nordlund |
Kristine Norosz |
Norse Alaska LLC |
Scott and Tlisa Northcutt |
Northrim Bank |
John and B Lynn Nowak |
NTL Alaska, Inc. |
Erin Oba |
Ellen O’Brien and Richard Smeriglio |
Stefanie O’Brien |
Ocean Beauty Seafoods LLC |
Edward O’Connor |
January and Nathanael O’Connor |
Josselyn O’Connor |
Michael O’Connor |
Raylene O’Connor |
Sandra O’Connor |
Joe and Maura Odell |
Odom Corporation |
Kathy O’Gara |
Katherine O’Grady |
Terence O’Hara and Fredericka Markscheffel |
James Okonek |
Jolin Oksness |
Old Harbor Books |
Old Harbor Native Corporation Settlement Trust |
Patrick and Karen O’Leary |
Jasmine Oliver |
Steven Oliver |
Matthew Olnes |
Declan Olsen |
Niccole Olsen |
Olivia Olsen |
Oskar Olsen |
Bobbi Olson |
Yngve Olsson |
Optimum Health and Wellness Physical Theraphy, Inc |
Dorothy and Dean Orbison |
Brian O’Riley |
Daniel and Lori Ortiz |
Michael, Shanna, Brian, Jacob, and Molly O’Shaughnessy |
John Oswald |
Kerri O’Toole |
Martin Owen |
Joe and Diane Owens |
Richard Owens |
Eleanor Oydna |
Kerry and Connie Ozer |
Cameo Padilla |
Susan Padilla |
Joe Page |
Anna Bernadette Paine |
Mona Painter |
Rodger Painter |
Kris Palmatier |
Jim Palmer and Sheila Arkell |
Lana Palmer |
Palmer Economic Development Authority Inc |
Tom Panamaroff |
Peter Panarese |
Walter Panzirer |
David Paperman |
Connie and Vann Parker |
Marilyn Parker |
Peter Partnow and Stephanie Kesler |
James Partridge |
Elise Patkotak |
Suzanne Paulsen |
Jane and John Pawloski |
Will and Mimi Peabody |
William Pearson |
Stuart Pechek |
John Peckham |
Kurt Pedersen |
Christina and Joseph Pender |
Peninsula Radiation Oncology Center |
Nikos and Mary Pennino |
Pamala Penrose |
Debra Perala |
Grete Lewis Perkins |
Sue Perles |
Petersburg Borough |
Petersburg Emblem Club No. 81 |
Leland and Linda Peterson |
Matthew K. Peterson and Mary DeMers |
Will and Sally Peterson |
Peterson EM LLC |
Susan Pfeiffenberger |
Valerie Phelps |
Karen Philion |
Joanne Phillips-Nutter |
Physicians of the Matsu Valley |
Betty Pierce |
Orin Pierson |
Margaret Piggott |
Arne R. Pihl and Molly O’Neill Pihl |
William and Marsha Pike |
Natasha Pineda |
Jeremy and Jasmine Plentikoff |
Greg Podsiki |
Amy Poe |
Sammye and Vincent Pokryfki |
Christopher Polum |
Mary Pomeroy and Mike Horne |
William Popp |
David and Sondra Porter |
Nate Porter and Cassalyn David |
Kelsey J. Potdevin and Mike Bedinger |
Cam and Nan Potts |
Pat Pourchot and Jennifer Johnson |
Sharon Powder |
Richard and Kandi Powell |
Diana and Gary Powers |
Elizabeth Bayes Preis |
Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield |
Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska |
Margaret and Michael Price |
Princess Cruises |
Sandra and Charles Pritchard |
William Prittie |
Providence Health and Services Alaska |
Margaret Pugh |
Quantum Spatial |
Ann Marie Quinlan |
Gretchen Quinlan |
John Quinley |
Daniel Quinn |
Roberta Quintavell |
Radiation Billing Solutions, Inc. |
Laura Raffals |
Robert Raichle |
Rainbow Glacier Adventures |
Leah and Mark Raine |
Linda Raitanen |
David Ramseur and Susan Wibker |
Gerald and Leslye Randall |
Pamela Randles |
Richard Randolph |
Salle and David Randolph |
Scott and Irene Ransom |
Ann Rappoport |
Ed and Cathryn Rasmuson |
Rasmuson Foundation |
Gregory and Marianne Rasmussen |
Katherine Ratledge |
Joy Rawlins |
Carol Rea |
Mary Reardon and Ervin Dedeker |
Brad Reeve |
Monika Reghetti |
Kimberly and Skip Reierson |
Ronald Reierson |
Debbie Reinwand |
Judith Reis |
Kim and Cameron Reitmeier |
Jim Renkert |
Nona Renn |
Resources and Results Consulting LLC |
Resurrection Bay Lions Club |
Debby Retherford |
Keenan Retherford |
Susan Rex |
Julie Reynolds |
Allison Rice |
Mark Rice |
Leland and Margaret Rich |
Alan Richardson |
Elizabeth Richardson |
Esther Richmond |
David Ricke |
Megan Riebe |
Judith Riedel |
Tara Riemer |
Roberta Rinehart |
Kent and Lisa Rininger |
Michael, James and Ann Ripka Goldman |
Elizabeth and C. Ed Ripley |
Kate Ripley |
Diane Ritchie |
Jane Ritchie |
Robert and Bobbie Ritchie |
Shawn Rivera |
Heather Roach |
Sarah Roark |
Donna and Harvey Robbins |
James Roberts |
Leni Roberts |
Robin Roberts |
Jeffrey Robinson |
Pamela Robinson |
Ray and Julie Robinson |
Roger and Pamela Robinson |
Angela Rodell |
Warren Roe |
Boots Roemhildt |
Betty and Harry Rogers |
Brian Rogers |
Susan Rogers |
William and June Rogers |
Debbie Rohrer |
Richard and Susan Rohrer |
Ellen and David Rojcewicz |
Marilyn Romano |
Carole Romberg |
Ed Ronco |
Beth Rose and John Levy |
Kirk and Kate Rose |
The Frances and David Rose Foundation |
Ronnie Rosenberg |
Dana Rosenstreich |
Amy Rosenthal |
David Rosenthal |
Clare and Chad Ross |
JoAnn Ross and Steven Cunningham |
Leslie Ross |
Rivkah Ross and David Goldstein |
Rotary Club of Fairbanks |
William Rotecki and Loann Swanson |
Benjamin Roth |
Jean Rounds-Riley and John Riley |
Evelyn Rousso |
Melanie Roy |
Joan Rubert |
Jonathan B. Rubini and Clare Bertucio |
Marilyn Rudolph |
Evelyn Ruehr |
Matthew Ruiz |
Julie and John Rule |
Skyles Runser |
Paul and Sharon Rupple |
John Jay Rush |
Bernie and David Ruskin |
Anne Ryan |
Danielle Ryman |
Dr. Daniel Safranek |
Sheryl Salasky |
Brian and Angela Salazar |
Sharon and Jeff Samuels |
Jeanne Sande |
Sandra Sandness |
Mariko and Erin Sarafin |
Linda Sargent |
Nupur Sashti |
Lisa Sauder |
Kate Saunders |
Laury Roberts Scandling |
Scanlon Gallery |
Sheldon and Jean Scarrott |
Jeanne Schaaf |
Carol Schatz |
Rebecca Schellinger |
Roger Schmidt and Jeanine Brooks |
Debra Schnabel |
Emily Schneider, Dean Larson and Michelle Gridley Larson |
Lucille Schoenberger |
Schoolhouse Fish Co. LLC |
Cindy Schraer |
Douglas and Mary Schrage |
Jennifer and Timothy Schrage |
Drs Herbert Schroeder and Linda Lazzell |
Barbara L. Schuhmann and Robert Groseclose |
Thomas Schulz |
Willie and Kathy Schulz |
David Schwantes |
Krista Schwarting |
Leslie and James Schwartz |
Mike and Kay Schwartz |
Sandra Schwary |
Glen and Marcia Scott |
Rosa Scouten |
Aneeka Scranton |
Sea Mac Seafoods LLC |
Sea Wind Aviation, Inc |
The Seattle Foundation |
Daniel and Shirley Seavey |
Christina Seay |
Laurie Seehafer |
Sara Seeman |
Karen Sefton |
Aliza Segal |
John Seigle |
Tom and Dena Selby |
Rita Selden |
Elizabeth Senear |
Gabriella Serventi |
JT Service |
Mark Severson |
Seward Area Hospice Inc. |
Seward Chamber of Commerce, Convention and Visitor’s Bureau |
Seward Community Library |
Seward Community Library Association, Inc. |
Seward Properties, LLC |
Seward Senior Citizens, Inc. |
Laura Shaeffer |
David and Harriet Shaftel |
Shaftel Delman Kaufman, LLC |
Monica Shah and Gregg Schomaker |
Jed Shandy |
Heather Shank |
Shannon and Wilson, Inc. |
Miriam Shark |
Monisha Sharma |
Grant Shearer |
Dorothy Shearn |
Kyle and Rachel Shedd and Family |
Mary Jane Shedd |
Dean Sheehy |
Gov. Bill Sheffield |
Kathleen Sherwood |
Juliana Shields |
Joan Shigekawa |
Robert Shimek |
Phyllis Shoemaker |
Shoreside Petroleum, Inc. |
Steve Shreiber |
Anthony and Ann Sieminski |
Carol Simonetti |
Michael Singsaas |
Connie Sipe |
Sitka Community Hospital |
Sitka Vision Clinic |
Mark and Joan Sizemore |
Michele and Cory Skoog |
Judi Slajer |
Veronica Slajer |
Sarah Sledge and Tom Begich |
Alexander Slivka |
Michelle Sloper |
Pamela Sloper |
Lynn Slusher |
Kate Slyker |
Gerald Smallwood |
Jayson Smart |
Stacie Smiley |
Allen and Bobbi Smith |
Annette Smith |
Audrey Smith |
Bridget Smith and James Asper |
Candace and Vernon Smith |
Claudia and Glen Smith |
Corinne Smith and Paul Button |
Douglas Smith |
Elizabeth Smith |
Gary Smith |
Jean and Ronald Smith |
Jordan Smith |
Julia Smith |
Linda Smith and Keith Mahler |
Nora Smith |
Norm, Suzanne and Isobel Smith |
Patricia Smith |
Stephen Smith |
Steve Smith |
Scott and Kristi Snapp |
Shirley Sneve |
David Snyder |
Joan Snyder |
Richard and Liska Snyder |
William Sobers |
Sockeye Cycle Co |
David and Alexandra Sonneborn |
Soroptmist International of Kodiak Community |
Arthur Sosa and Maricela Beltran |
SouthEast Alaska Prosthetics and Orthotics, LLC |
Kally Spalinger |
Melody Spangler-Hatch |
Mark Spano |
Hannelore and Casey Sparks |
Special Olympics Alaska |
John M. Sroufe and Diane Disanto |
Jacqueline St. Clair |
Charles St. George |
Sandy and Jim St. George |
Jeanine St. John |
Katie St. John |
St. Philips Catholic Sodality |
Barbara Staake |
Jackie Stallings |
Cassandra Stalzer |
Barbara Stanley |
Stanley Williams Administrative Trust |
Colin Starrett |
Connie and Ray Staska |
Randall Stauffer |
Stan and Janice Steadman |
Ronald Steen |
Bonnie and Paul Steer |
Scott and Pam Steffes |
Donald and Donna Stein |
Al Steinmann and Gail Brown |
Stephan Fine Arts Inc. |
Sen. Gary and Rita Stevens |
Wayne Stevens |
Ted Stevens Foundation |
Katrina and Marcus Stewart |
Pat and Bob Stichweh |
Alice Stickney |
Holly Stinson |
Daniel Stirling |
Sandra Stolle |
Eliazabeth and Jeffrey Stonehill |
Trevor Storrs and Steve Smith |
Libby Stortz |
Cheryl Strawn |
Ron Strode |
Kimberly Strong |
Ruthie Strong |
James and Adona Struve |
Molly Sturdevant and Dave Nussbaumer |
Carol Sturgulewski |
Stormy and Louise Stutes |
Daniel Sullivan |
Sultana New Ventures LLC |
Sunshine Community Health Center |
Anne Sutton and Gordon Sandy |
John and Sharon Svenson |
Chris Swalling |
Marc Swanson |
Paul and Karen Swartzbart |
Liz and Mark Swearingin |
Margaret and David Sweetman |
Saralyn Tabachnick |
Michelle Tabler |
Bruce Talbot |
Talkeetna Bachelor Society, Inc. |
Talkeetna Historical Society |
Elsie Tanadjaja |
Walter Tape |
Tatonduk Outfitters Limited |
Tatsuda’s Supermarket Inc. |
Deborah Taylor |
Scott Taylor |
Shari Teeple |
Richard Tero |
Andy Teuber |
Rebecca Thario |
Bruce Theriault |
William Theuer |
Brenda Theyers |
Raina Thiele |
Schwana Thoma |
Diane Thompson |
John and Deborah Thompson |
Thomas Thompson |
Perry Thoorsell |
Shauna Thornton |
thread |
Nancy Tietje |
Troy, Torie and Baker Tirell |
Wayne Todd |
Ruth Tompsett |
Tina Tomsen |
Tongass Historical Society |
Mary Tougas |
Jody Tow |
Aleesha Towns-Bain and Cameron Bain |
Donna and Bill Trainor |
Grant Trask |
Alan Traut |
William Tremblay |
Chelsea Tremblay |
Janet Trettner |
Alexandria Troxell |
Eric Troyer and Corrine Leistikow |
Ted and Gloria Trueblood |
Kathleen and James Trump |
Peter Tyron |
Kirsten Tschofen |
Emil Tucker |
Lane Tucker and Elizabeth Perry |
Rodger and Francilla Tuenge |
William Tull |
Turkey Red LLC |
Margareth Twigg |
Breianne Tyler |
Ethan Tyler |
UAF Financial Aid Office |
Fran Ulmer |
Ron Unger |
Elizabeth A. Union-Jakubek and Jim Jakubek |
United Way of Anchorage |
Dorothy and Lawrence Urbach |
Usibelli Foundation |
David and Rebecca Valentine |
Kara Valikai |
Linda Van Houten and William Joiner |
Tracy Vanairsdale |
Jeraldine and Jan VandenTop |
Bernard and Susanna Vanderweele |
Vast Alaska LLC |
Cheryl and Dave Vastola |
Deborah Vaughan |
The Vault |
Michael and Tonya Venneberg |
VFW Post 3836 |
David and Doral Vial |
Laura Vogel and Shane Worden |
Deborah Vogt |
Kalila Volkov |
W.E. Hankins Enterprises Inc. |
Kim Wagner and Roger Provost |
Jeanette Wakefield |
Daniel and Madelyn Walker |
Darren Walker |
June and Jimmy Walker |
Karako Walker and Harold Hughes Jr |
Patricia Walker |
William and Sunshine Walker |
Allison Wall |
Michael Wall |
Rachel Wall |
Sharen Walsh |
Patricia and Jim Walter |
Wayne and Donna Walter |
Betty Walters |
Terral and Mary Wanzer |
Doris Ward |
Paige Ward |
Carol Warren and Lisa Sinnott |
Warwick and Schikora. P.C. |
Ella and Jeremy Wasserman |
Eric Wasserman |
Stanley and Maeve Watkins |
Julie Watson |
John Weddleton |
Kate Wedemeyer |
Dean Weidner |
Wayne and Beverly Weis |
Chris Weiss and Joe Teter |
Aaron Wells |
Wells Fargo |
Katherine Wendel |
Mary Wenzel |
West High Alumni Association |
Emily Wezenberg |
Eileen Whalen |
Marina Whitacre |
Thomas and Lorraine Whitaker |
Colleen White |
Daniel and Ann Marie White |
Jesse White and Katherine Sweetman |
Mike White |
White’s Inc. |
Lori Whitmill |
Allene Whitney |
Richard and Sally Wien |
Sophie Wiepking-Brown |
Sharon Wikan |
Andrew Wilder |
Julie Wilder |
Anne Wilkas and Matthew Jones |
Jonathan Williams |
Marla Williams |
Gary and Martha Wilson |
Jo Wilson |
Marilyn R. Wilson |
Mark Wilson |
Roby Wilson |
Stan and Linda Wilson |
Thomas Wilson |
Ruth and Richard Winkelman |
Theresa Wirak |
John and Tina Witteveen |
Bonne Woldstad |
Alan and Rose Wolf |
Tom Wolf |
Elizabeth Wolfe and Philip Reeves |
James Wolfe and Carol Hogins-Wolfe |
Richard Wolk |
Yun Lam Wong |
Richard Woo |
Hilary Wood |
Ruth Wood |
Thomas Wood |
Helen Woodings |
Mark Worcester |
Monty Worthington |
Julie and David Wrigley |
Denise Wurth and Hans Schwaiger |
Ann Yadon |
Frank Yadon |
Jesse Yarbrough |
Stephanie Yard and Ted Cornutt |
Hannah Yeaw |
Janel Yeaw |
Noah Yeaw |
Joan and Richard Yospin |
Colleen Young |
Nichole Young |
Sherry and Mark Young |
Young Fisheries Inc. |
Peg and Rick Young Foundation |
Natasha Zahn Pristas |
Terry Zawacki |
Mark and Michelle Zeiger |
Diane Ziegner |
Laurie Zimmer |
Christopher and Jane Zimmerman |