Brandon was nothing if not a true adventurer and a friend to all. His laugh was almost always mischievous but also contagious. Brandon was a citizen of the world, living and visiting countless countries and maybe getting into a little trouble along the way. He loved meeting new people and roping them into projects and ideas or connecting them to like minded souls.
This scholarship, established in memory of Brandon C. Reiley, supports Alaskan students pursuing higher education degrees in the fields of science, sustainability, mathematics, education, or aviation. All of these areas were important to Brandon and it is the goal of this scholarship fund to support students with similar interests and goals.
The Brandon C. Reiley Scholarship will be awarded one time per year. It supports students pursuing higher education degrees in the fields of science, sustainability, mathematics, education, or aviation. Applicants must be an Alaskan resident for at least one year. If the student is an incoming freshman, a high school cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required to apply.
The minimum scholarship amount will be $2,000 per scholarship. The number of awards and amounts given per year may vary.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Alaska resident (minimum 1 year)
- Applicant must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 at the high school or post-secondary level (i.e. your current education level)
- Applicant must be interested in studying aviation, science, sustainability, math or education
IMPORTANT: Scholarship recipients must submit their student ID number and program information to ACF through the online system before their award can be disbursed. If we do not receive the above information by June 30 following the award announcement, the scholarship may not be awarded. Please contact ACF if you cannot send in the information by this date.
Contact The Alaska Community Foundation with questions: or 907-334-6700