Recognizing Nonprofit Leadership Across Alaska

Strengthening Organizations, a capacity-building grant program of The Alaska Community Foundation, announces total awards of $75,353 to 15 nonprofit organizations across the state of Alaska who were recognized for their initiative in building internal structures

An Update on ACF Transitions

On June 23, the ACF staff, board and community partners joined together for a goodbye reception for longtime ACF President & CEO Candace Winkler at the home of Diane Kaplan & Mel Sather.

Introducing DonorCentral

DonorCentral is a web-based platform providing fund information that is updated daily. Whether you log in from your laptop, tablet or your smart phone – you will have access to your current fund balance, an

Hellos and Goodbyes …

This past month, ACF bids a fond farewell to two of our long-time staff members and introduces you to three new team members.

Announcing the recipients of the Rural Leader Journey

The Alaska Community Foundation, in partnership with Alaska Airlines, Rasmuson Foundation and The Foraker Group are proud to announce the ten winners of the inaugural 2015 Rural Leader Getaway. Recipients received a voucher for round-trip