There are many ways to give back to your community. ACF is here to make your philanthropic goals a reality!
Your gift to The Alaska Community Foundation can be directed to flexible funds such as the Alaska Fund, meeting emerging needs and opportunities in Alaska now and far into the future; or the ACF Annual Fund providing essential baseline support for ACF’s mission connecting you and many others with important causes; or other funds addressing focused areas of interest. Other choices include giving to local community foundations or to one of the many nonprofit agencies with long-term funds at ACF. Your gift would help provide sustainability for the organizations in our state that are making a difference in the quality of life in Alaska. Alternatively, your gift can establish your own fund to help charitable causes important to you.
Give a secure gift online.
The Alaska Community Foundation accepts secure credit card gifts online. You can search for the funds you wish to give at the link below.
Mail a Check.
For the security of our donors and to avoid banking complications, all checks must be made payable to The Alaska Community Foundation or ACF with the fund name you wish to donate to in the memo field. Mail checks to 3201 C Street, Suite 110, Anchorage, AK 99503.
To receive a deduction for the current year, postmark your check to The Alaska Community Foundation by December 31st. With checks and credit card gifts, you will earn a charitable income tax deduction of up to 60% of your adjusted gross income if you itemize. If you are not able to use all your deduction each year, you may be able to “carry forward” the unused portion of the deduction for up to five years.
Give from your IRA.
Your retirement funds can now go further than ever. If you are 70 ½ or older, you can donate up to $105,000* annually via a Qualified Charitable Distribution from a traditional IRA to a charity such as ACF without incurring taxes today or estate and income taxes in the future. If you are 73 or older, you can donate all or part of your Required Minimum Distribution and save on taxes. If you are married, both partners with retirement accounts can give up to $105,000 from their traditional IRA annually.
*The amount that donors can give to charity via a QCD will increase by a percentage in 2025 to account for inflation.
Make a gift through stocks or mutual funds.
One of the best ways to maximize your giving is to give a gift of appreciated stock or mutual fund shares.

When you donate stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, you bypass capital gains and earn a charitable income tax deduction of up to 30% of your adjusted gross income if you itemize. If you can’t use the full deduction right away, you may be able to “carry forward” the unused portion for up to five years. Also, the fund or organization gets the full value of the appreciated stock. You don’t have to donate all the shares of your appreciated stock. Talk with your broker about the amount you’d like to donate and ask which shares in your taxable funds you have appreciated the most.
How to transfer stock to ACF.
You can transfer appreciated stock directly from your account to ours saving your capital gains taxes. Please get in touch with ACF at or call us at 907.334.6700 for instructions.
If you do make a gift of stock, please notify us, so we’ll know the stock came from you and direct it to the fund you wish.
Open a Donor Advised Fund for the greatest flexibility.
You can open a Donor Advised Fund through a gift of appreciated securities or cash today and add to it anytime. By creating a Donor Advised Fund at ACF, you will receive an immediate tax deduction and have the flexibility of deciding when to support your favorite charitable causes or organizations.
Many donors like creating a Donor Advised Fund because it acts like a private family foundation without higher administrative costs or the requirement to pay out 5% annually. It’s also a great way to involve children or grandchildren in giving. While there are many entities that offer these types of funds, ACF provides expertise on Alaska nonprofits and personalized local service. In addition to being able to make your own grant recommendations, you will be able to learn about other pressing needs and opportunities in our state and can leverage your donations with others.
Consider a gift in your will or naming ACF as a beneficiary on your IRA.
Donating through your estate plans will provide you with peace of mind and allow you to contribute to a more caring Alaska in the future. The Alaska Community Foundation provides confidential, personalized philanthropy advising on including a gift in your estate plans to a cause or community you care about. Suppose you would like to create a scholarship, family endowment, or another special fund. In that case, we will work with you and your professional advisor to make sure a future fund is set up in a way that can be carried out effectively. We will draft a Legacy Fund agreement that can be included in your estate plans and can be easily updated for free if your interests change.
If you have already included The Alaska Community Foundation in your will, please let us know so we can ensure your gift will be used in the manner you intend.
Contact Us
If you have questions about how The Alaska Community Foundation can best meet your philanthropic goals, contact us at or call us at
For information about our gift and fund acceptance policy, follow the link below: