Carmen Davis
Director of Affiliates

Email Carmen | 907.274.6708

Carmen moved to Alaska in 2004 to teach in Akiak, where she worked with students, their families, and the community to integrate local culture with Western education through place-based projects.

Since 2007, she has worked in Alaska’s nonprofit sector, developing and managing grants, contracts, and relationships between urban and rural regional organizations, including schools and tribal entities. Her experience includes working with the Southeast Regional Resource Center to develop academic and cultural out-of-school time programs and with the Alaska Humanities Forum, managing teacher cultural induction programs and cross-cultural programming. Most recently, Carmen served as director for a culturally-based postsecondary preparation project with Calista Education and Culture. Carmen holds a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction from Ottawa University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from the University of Arizona.

Inspired by ACF’s success in building capacity and responding in a way that improves the lives of Alaskans on many different levels, Carmen is honored to work with ACF and its Affiliate Foundations to cultivate local leadership, grow permanent charitable assets, and increase philanthropy across Alaska.

Philanthropic Interests: Education, Arts and Culture