Our Partners 
These organizations are independent entities growing philanthropy in their communities across Alaska. Closely aligned with ACF in their visions and focus, ACF is honored to partner with these foundations in our shared goals to create a better future for Alaska. These partner organizations hold funds at ACF, collaborate with us on critical issues, and help expand our resource network.

1. Homer Community Foundation 

A foundation whose core values are to develop a permanent endowment for the community, prudently manage the assets, provide grants to meet current and future community needs, and provide community leadership.

The Homer Foundation’s mission is to enhance the quality of life for the citizens of the greater Homer area by promoting philanthropic and charitable activities.

All of our community’s needs are met with cooperation, collaboration, and generosity.

2. Juneau Community Foundation

A foundation investing in the Juneau community by supporting the residents and nonprofits through grantmaking and charitable programs.

To promote philanthropy and effectively respond to the needs of our community to create a healthy, safe, and culturally rich environment.

To make your giving meaningful, effective and enjoyable by connecting you with the people and organizations that work to make Juneau a better place.

3. Bethel Community Services Foundation

Bethel Community Services Foundation is dedicated to the development, growth, continuance, and enhancement of community-based programs and services. They seek to support effective community growth and development.

Bethel Community Services Foundation is dedicated to the development, growth, continuance, and enhancement of community-based programs and services. In partnership with other communal institutions, foundations, restricted and unrestricted philanthropic donors, it seeks to support effective community growth and development.

4. Arctic Slope Community Foundation

Arctic Slope Community Foundation is a geographically-based entity, tied to the Arctic Slope region, its eight communities and the people within those communities. The foundation serves the role as grantmaker to meet challenges and opportunities
within the region.

Strengthen our culture of giving and improve the quality of life among the people of the Arctic Slope

Every community within our region is healthy and vibrant, and traditional Iñupiat values guide and enhance our modern ways of life.

Find out more about becoming a  partner:
Mariko Sarafin, Affiliate Community Officer
Nate O’Connor , Affiliate Program Officer