ACF Media Kit: Logos, co-branding information, communication standards, grantee marketing tools, and publishing information about the Foundation.
The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) communications and graphics standards below will help you publicize your grant award and co-brand with ACF. These standards apply to all printed or electronic material produced by grantees, Affiliate foundations, funds, or outside publications.
Please note that if you received a grant from an Agency Fund or Donor Advised Fund, you would use their logo or information in any promotional materials. For example, ACF is not the grantor if you received a grant from the Kidney Foundation Fund. Because we manage their fund, checks appear to come from ACF, but the grantor would be the Kidney Foundation. If you have questions, please get in touch with our communications team.
Our Name
The Alaska Community Foundation, ACF
The organization’s title includes the word “The,” which should be capitalized. The logo text must be Garamond, but the typeface* can be Gill San Pro when used outside of the logo.
Do Not Use: Alaska Community Foundation, The ACF, TACF, T/the Foundation*
Note: You may use “T/the Foundation” for internal communications or, in special circumstances, for external communications. For questions on when to/not to use this, contact the Communications Team.
Boiler Plate
Contact ACF for the most updated grant information.
Established in 1995, The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) is a statewide platform for philanthropy that connects people who care with causes that matter. Managing more than (please contact our finance team for a current number) million in assets and over 500 funds for the benefit of Alaskans, ACF and their Affiliates grant $5 million to $7 million each year to charitable projects and nonprofit organizations across the state. ACF’s mission is to inspire the spirit of giving and connect people, organizations, and causes to strengthen Alaska’s communities now and forever. For more information, visit or call 907-334-6700.
Co-Branding & Press Releases
Co-branding is a simple and easy way of showing support while helping to spread the word about ACF and the organizations with which we are affiliated. The logo provided by ACF should be used within these few guidelines to maintain a clear, consistent look for ACF throughout the state. The tagline, “connecting people who care with causes that matter,” should also be used as the tagline whenever possible.
We are always happy to cross-promote if you are a grantee and wish to celebrate or publicize your grant award. Please tag us in your social media posts on the following platforms:
Facebook: @alaskacf
X (Twitter): @AKCommunity
Instagram: @akcommunityfoundation
When creating press releases or dealing with the press, please contact the Director of Communications and Marketing, Ashley Ellingson.
Brand Colors
When printing in color, ACF uses PMS 186 (red) for the logo. For graphic purposes, other colors are authorized to be used. Please see below.
Please note: PMS 130 is to be used exclusively for Affiliate content.

Logo Kit and Usage
The ACF logo consists of the graphic component (people in a star formation) and the words “The Alaska Community Foundation.” It should typically be used entirely without separating the graphic component from the words.
The ACF logo may be reproduced proportionately to the publication or item. Do not change the proportions of the logo. Please contact the Communications Team for suggestions if you have a challenge using the logo in the available space. To preserve legibility, the logo should never be reproduced smaller than 2” wide. There should always be at least ½” of white space around ACF’s logo.
Logo Kit Download
Use the form to download a logo kit.