Scholarship Application Open: January 15, 2025 - March 15, 2025

The family of Cael Askin is honored to offer a $1,000 scholarship in his memory to support a graduating high school or home school senior receiving Special Education Services and intends to pursue secondary education or vocational/technical training.

About Cael

Cael was diagnosed in elementary school with Aspergers Syndrome, a developmental disorder affecting one’s ability to effectively socialize and communicate. Cael overcame his challenges and completed his coursework with the help of an Individualized Education Program (IEP). He graduated in 2006 from Kenai Central High School (KCHS). Cael often struggled with math but returned to KCHS after graduation, studied, and passed the test’s math section to earn his certified diploma.

Young children loved Cael and called him their “gentle giant.” He often bowled with them in local tournaments. Cael absolutely loved animals. He was active in equine therapy at Solid Rock Bible Camp and with the Kenaitze Native Youth Drum. In addition to Aspergers, Cael started having seizures shortly after graduating high school. It was a fatal epileptic seizure that took Cael from us on March 7, 2013, at the age of 25. He joined his beloved dog Mo and cats Ziggers and Serenity at the rainbow bridge.

Application Criteria

All applicants must be receiving Special Education Services and be eligible to graduate from Kenai Central High School or meet curriculum requirements in a home school setting. Qualifying students must reside in Kenai or Nikiski, Alaska. The applicant must have a plan to attend a specific post-secondary education or vocational/technical training program.

To apply:

  • Applicant must submit a personal statement describing who they are, their interest and activities, their long-term goals, and describe their post-secondary education or training plans and what they have done during High School to prepare for those plans.
  • The applicant must submit two letters of support. One letter of support must come from a special education teacher, school counselor, or administrator. All individuals writing letters of support should have knowledge of the applicant’s skills related to potential success in the field of study/training they have chosen.
IMPORTANT: Scholarship recipients must submit their student ID number and program information to ACF through the online system before their award can be disbursed. If we do not receive the above information by June 30 following the award announcement, the scholarship may not be awarded. Please contact ACF is you cannot send in the information by this date.

Contact The Alaska Community Foundation with questions: or 907-334-6700

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