Coronavirus Nonprofit Relief Fund

The Alaska Community Foundation has partnered with the
State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
to provide emergency relief for Alaskan nonprofits.
Apply Today

Step 1. Gather Information

To expedite the processing of your application, please carefully read the guidelines to gather information supporting your eligible expenses and make sure that your nonprofit is eligible.

Step 2. Submit Application

Please note that all applications will be processed in the order received, and you will receive an email confirmation when your application has been received. Failure to submit the information requested will result in no decision on funding.

If you have not applied for a grant from ACF before you will need to set up an account. Click the link below to access ACF’s online application instructions:

grant application tutorial

If you have questions, please contact either 
Penney Champney at | (907) 249-6640 or Jessie Lavoie at | (907) 249-6616.

Deadline for Applications

Round 1: July 29, 2020, 5:00 PM
Round 2: August 26, 2020, 5:00 PM
Round 3: October 14, 2020, 5:00 PM

We have found through the first round of applications that these questions are most frequently asked during the application process. Please see the FAQ button to find answers to broader questions about the fund.

  • Am I eligible?  
    Please read through the guidelines, especially “Eligibility” on page 2 and “Restrictions/Limitations” on page 5.  
  • Can I submit more than one application?  
    We suggest submitting one application only.  If you have two or more projects, you can outline them in the budget narrative and include separate line items for them in the budget worksheet. 
  • Can I apply for all three rounds?  
  • Are 501(c)(4) and 501(c)(6) organizations now able to apply? 
  • My budget is unfinalized because I’m on a July-June fiscal year. Can I still apply? Yes, please upload what you have and explain your situation in the narratives.
  • My budget narrative won’t fit in the space provided. Can I upload a budget narrative? Yes.
  • Do I have to complete the budget worksheet in the application, or can I just attach my budget? The budget worksheet must be completed.
  • Does accepting CNRF grants mean I need to be audited
    Not necessarily. If you receive $750,000 or more a year from federal grants, you’ll be subject to an audit. If your total is under $750,000 you don’t have to worry about an audit. 
  • I applied and received assistance through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Can I get payroll expenses through CNRF? 
    Yes, but you cannot ask for the same weeks of pay you received through PPP. For example, if PPP covers you through March 15, you may ask for CNRF coverage starting March 16. 
  • Is lost revenue covered?
    YesIn the “Please Note” section on page 5 of the guidelines, there is a general CARES Act footnote that is required on all CARES Act funding. ACF and DHSS worked hard to include cases of lost revenue in this first $35 million because, for nonprofits, lost revenue usually means closing programs or laying off staff. 
  • Do I need to list all CARES funding and other COVID funding?   
    No, just the funding that pertains to the line item you are requesting. 

Project Overview

The State of Alaska has set aside $35 million from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding to specifically support nonprofits in Alaska adversely affected by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. 

The State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) has partnered with The Alaska Community Foundation to establish the Coronavirus Nonprofit Relief Fund (CNRF) with the set-aside funding. Eligible organizations are encouraged to apply to ACF for grants from CNRF. 


Follow the link for answers to frequently asked questions.


October 22, 2020 — The Alaska Community Foundation and the Department of Health and Social Services have announced the recipients of the healthcare-specific round of the Coronavirus Nonprofit Relief Fund. See the press release here

September 29, 2020 —ACF and DHSS announced the second round of Coronavirus Nonprofit Relief Fund grantees. See the press release here.