Philanthropy & the Causes We Care About

In the world of charitable organizations, we talk a great deal about this fantastic word “philanthropy” that we love to throw around and each of us define in our own way. At ACF in particular,

ACF Mourns the Loss of Mike Burns

Many of you have already heard that Mike Burns, former Director of the Alaska Permanent Fund Division, passed away yesterday. We at The Alaska Community Foundation join many Alaskans and organizations in expressing our deep

Recognizing Nonprofit Leadership Across Alaska

Strengthening Organizations, a capacity-building grant program of The Alaska Community Foundation, announces total awards of $75,353 to 15 nonprofit organizations across the state of Alaska who were recognized for their initiative in building internal structures

The Philanthropy Hub @ ACF

As a summer intern for The Alaska Community Foundation there is much for me to learn. What are funds? Who are Affiliates? How do grants work? I have enjoyed finding the answers to all of

An Update on ACF Transitions

On June 23, the ACF staff, board and community partners joined together for a goodbye reception for longtime ACF President & CEO Candace Winkler at the home of Diane Kaplan & Mel Sather.

Hellos and Goodbyes …

This past month, ACF bids a fond farewell to two of our long-time staff members and introduces you to three new team members.