Philanthropy & the Causes We Care About

In the world of charitable organizations, we talk a great deal about this fantastic word “philanthropy” that we love to throw around and each of us define in our own way. At ACF in particular,

Site Visits: Community Engagement for Better Grantmaking

For community foundations, the importance of making connections to nonprofits and other community partners cannot be understated. Getting to know Alaskan organizations allows The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) to improve its work, especially when it

Alaskans Respond: A statewide response to summer wildfires

As hard working firefighters and crews from around the state evacuate and temporarily relocate residents, fellow Alaskans are stepping forward – without hesitation – to provide temporary shelter, housing, meals supplies and relief. We at

The Power of Endowment

Recently, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to leave a legacy behind. …

Champions for Charitable Giving

Last week, Beth Rose and I had the opportunity to visit two amazing communities that share both a geographic proximity and a strong sense of community.