The Social Justice Fund is now open for Applications

The Alaska Community Foundation is now accepting grant applications for the Social Justice Fund. This opportunity is open from January 13th, 2020, until 5:00 PM on Wednesday, February 20th, 2020.

Happy New Year

Your generosity helped to make 2019 a fantastic year for The Alaska Community Foundation.

Important Dates for Year-end Giving

The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) is poised to assist you with your year-end giving. So …

Giving Thanks to so Many Giving Hearts

As we come together to celebrate the things we are thankful for this holiday season, we want to take the time to thank you

Welcome Cordova Community Foundation

Cordova residents are fiercely proud of their community and continuously commit their time and resources into projects for the betterment of all.

Smart Women Make Wills

What will your legacy be? ACF would like to help you answer this question by providing access to the legal advice needed to make sound decisions when creating your will.