The Alaska Community Foundation Supports Nonprofit Organizations Across Alaska

The Alaska Community Foundation is pleased to announce that more than $47,000 in grant awards were made to help 11 Alaska nonprofits strengthen their ability to provide services in the state. The Strengthening Organizations grant

Women’s Giving Circle Grants $15,000 to Support Women’s Programs

In January, the Alaska Women’s Giving Circle has awarded five grants totaling $15,000 to programs that support women across the state. Established at The Alaska Community Foundation in 2008, the Alaska Women’s Giving Circle’s 40

Grant Program Supports Community-Based Efforts to Prevent Teen Suicide

The Alaska Children’s Trust and The Alaska Community Foundation are currently accepting applications for projects that will directly enhance community-based efforts to prevent teen suicide. Communities across Alaska are encouraged to apply. The application deadline

The IRA Charitable Rollover has been approved for 2015 and future years

For those aged 70½ or older, it is once again possible to make tax-favored charitable gifts from traditional and Roth IRA accounts. On December 18, Congress passed legislation and the president signed into law the

Offices Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

The Alaska Community Foundation and the nonprofits at The Philanthropy Hub will be CLOSED on Thursday and Friday (November 26th and 27th) in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. We wish you and your loved ones